How to generate more leads with a video landing page

Can a video landing page improve lead generation? Find out in this post!

How to generate more leads with a video landing page
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Video Marketing How to generate more leads with a video landing page

Can video help with lead generation?

If we consider a classic marketing funnel, lead generation can be placed in the moments that, from the initial stage of awareness, lead toward consideration and then to the final goal of conversions. 

It’s also a decisive step when it comes to retention and – consequently – customer advocacy. 

In any case, the indispensable starting point for the lead generation journey is to obtain specific data from a user.

The best way to make this transition is to offer something in return, some added value; we usually refer to this stage as the lead magnet.

Be careful, however: these touchpoints between company and customer are very delicate. Everything must be simple and intuitive, running smoothly, without any hiccups. Communication must be very understandable and concise, even when the messages, by necessity, are a bit more complex!

When the time comes to share his data, the user must not perceive any break too abruptly.

And that is where the key role of video landing pages for lead generation comes into play. 




The role of video landing pages for lead generation 

What is a video landing page? 

Let’s make it simple: it is a web page where a video is loaded. 

And when it’s built in the best possible way, it is, without a doubt, the perfect tool for generating leads and leading quickly and functionally to conversions. Who says so?

First, the data; let’s look at just two points, which leave no room for doubt:

  • Using videos on landing pages can increase conversions by up to 86% (
  • 81% of marketers say video landing pages have helped them generate leads ( 

These are very clear numbers and they don’t surprise us at all. After all, they go in the same direction as all the data and statistics that demonstrate how video is the most effective digital media of all, the tool capable of attracting and holding attention for a long time, that can make messages understandable and memorable, that can trigger engagement

Of course, however, just putting a video on a landing page is not enough to make it-automatically-more effective in generating leads. 

It’s about making wise choices. And, just to help you with these choices, we have gathered below the 7 best practices that we feel are most important. 



Making effective video landing pages – 7 best practices 

As promised, here is the list of best practices for building a video landing page in the most effective way. 

There are some preliminary must-haves, technical aspects, others more oriented around styles and types of communication. Finally, we will share a very important concluding point that refers to the target audience and the personalization breakthrough.


1. Have very specific goals 

This is a basic best practice for any type of video marketing strategy and campaign and all the more so when it comes to lead generation. 

Specifically: it’s much better for companies to have multiple video landing pages, each focused on a specific aspect of their business, and for each specific target segment (a point that we will come back to later in our list). 

Pay attention to this point:

  • Businesses with a high number of specific landing pages generate an average of 12 more leads (and qualified leads) than those with only 1 to 5 more general landing pages ( 


2. Choose the right format and style of video 

It’s much better to have multiple specific video landing pages depending on your goals. 

Consequently, the video content should have different formats and styles. 

You can choose (just to give a few examples):

Explainer videos: concentrated on resolving certain problems. 

– How-to videos: which can provide step-by-step explanations. This is an extremely popular format with the public (just look at the top-ranked videos on YouTube) and one that always offers great added value in terms of usefulness. 

Product demonstration videos: focused on specific products or services. Again, the added value lies primarily in their utility. 

– Testimonial videos: which can include testimonials from customers or the presence of influencers (also, and increasingly, “micro-influencers,” who are perceived as more authentic and close to viewers).

Company culture videos: which focus around the brand and its imagery. Of course, companies must take care not to focus too much only on themselves and must not forget to include added value that can act as a “lead magnet.” 

Clearly, this is not an exhaustive list.  

In general, it’s important to know how to consistently insert the moment of the call-to-action that leads to lead generation according to different styles and formats.  

The key word, in this sense, is: consistency. This key moment must be perceived as a natural culmination of the previous storytelling steps.


3. Placement of on the page 

Now we come to something more technical and that comes upstream of everything. 

The video must be highly visible, placed at the top of the landing page. Moreover, it must be placed in a consistent and graphically curated context and also built in a way that does not divert the viewers’ attention from watching it. 

Remember to keep everything very simple and clean!


4. Optimize for omnichannel and mobile-first. 

Another technical aspect. 

An increasing majority of users view video landing pages from their smartphones. 

Therefore, it’s critical that they are automatically optimized for all types of devices, first and foremost and designed for omnichannel. They must also be built and designed with a mobile-first perspective. 

This should be a given…but, still in 2022, it turns out that only 50% of landing pages are optimized for mobile browsing (


5. Aim for short-form videos 

Again, here we come to a very important point.  

If the goal of a video is lead generation, with specific data requests for your customers, a good rule of thumb is to aim for fairly short videos. Otherwise you risk that the user will abandon viewing the video too soon. 

There is little point in stating a perfect minute length, for the simple reason that it all depends on your specific goals, how the video is created, and your target audience. 

In general, however, it’s best to stick to a length of between 2 and 3 minutes.

So: not snackable content (not the right venue), but also not long-form! 


6. Give, don’t just ask 

This is a common, yet subtle thread that weaves throughout this post. But it’s better to reiterate it here in no uncertain terms. 

When we mentioned being a “lead magnet” we stressed the importance of offering value in order to get your users’ data in return. 

It must be as equal an exchange as possible and it must be perceived as such. 

This is a really decisive point. 

Not the least because the public’s awareness around the sensitivity of data use is growing.

So, ask for specific information and data, but also give value in return. Value in terms of knowledge, utility, entertainment. But one that, in each case, is tangible. 

The most forward-looking view is always the win-win view. Also because, as we have already said, the moment of lead generation is important not only in terms of a single purchase but also – and above all – in terms of loyalty and advocacy. 


7. Aim decisively toward personalization 

Finally, we will end on a crucial point.  

When it comes to marketing, everything depends on the recipient.

Having in-depth knowledge of your recipients is the real secret to tailoring messages that are unrivaled in terms of effectiveness. 

It’s one of the oldest secrets of communication and it’s an entirely common experience, even for non-specialists. 

To put it briefly: it’s the power of personalization. 

This force is more valid than ever when it comes to video marketing, and all the more so if the goal is lead generation. 

So, the breakthrough for any video landing page has a very specific name: “personalized videos.” 

What are we talking about?

It’s about videos that automatically adapt to the characteristics of their target audience, based on previous data collection (master data, geolocation, previous browsing choices, and more). 

We’re talking about a message that is no longer one-size-fits-all, but a true one-to-one exchange: this is the perfect set up for lead generation and for establishing a satisfying and lasting relationship between company and customer.

In addition, personalized videos offer extremely interesting options in terms of interactivity. And here another rigid paradigm of the past is broken: no longer one-way communication, but a true two-way exchange. 

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