How effective is online video marketing?

We’ve heard how useful online video marketing can be for your overall strategy. Find out why in this blog post!

how effective is online video marketing
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Video Marketing How effective is online video marketing?

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For a while now, we’ve heard how useful video marketing can be for your overall strategy. Some companies, however, are still reluctant to embrace it, given the perceptions about the time and budget needed. In this post, we’ll demonstrate how effective online video marketing can be. 

Why is video marketing important? 

Today, video marketing is a popular form of marketing. Why? Because it’s well known that video content, when included in the marketing strategy, can become a powerful and effective means of increasing brand awareness, engagement, and lead generation 

In short, it’s a bit of a trump card for anyone who wants to position their brand in the marketplace, including small businesses. And while some marketers are reluctant to embrace it, most are using video marketing mainly because it is the preferred means of communication for consumers. 

But before we talk about how effective online video marketing is, let’s look at some data to support what we just wrote:

  • Online video will account for more than 82% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2022 (source: Cisco).  
  • 72% of customers said they would prefer to learn about a product or service through video.  
  • In fact, 84% of people say they have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video (source: Optinmonster). 

Clearly, consumers have a clear preference for video content. These same preferences are also the reasons why brands include them in their marketing strategy, with satisfying results. 

  • 86% of companies use video as a marketing tool, up from 63% in the past three years (source: Wyzowl). 
  • Marketers who use video increase their ROI 49% faster than those who don’t (source: WordStream). 
  • 87% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media (source: Hubspot). 

The data would be enough to show how effective video marketing is, but we want to go deeper and give you 10 reasons to answer the question: how effective is online video marketing?  

7 reasons to do video marketing 

There are a variety of reasons to convince yourself of the effectiveness of video marketing, and we have selected 7.  

1. With video marketing you can explain everything 

The first advantage of video content is its ability to explain everything. Do you want to spread the name of your brand? Video is a great way to reach your audience. Are you launching a new product or service? Creating an explainer video to show how it works is ideal.  

It’s no surprise that 96% of people found an explainer video helpful in learning more about a product or service (source: Wyzowl). Explainer videos can be valuable content to use in a marketing strategy, where they can be used to provide important information in very short time frames, with effective results. 

So are animated videos, which are useful for explaining very complex concepts. It’s well known that consumers will decide to buy a product or service only when they fully understand what it does and how it will help them. 

It is not surprising, then, that video content is a great tool for communicating, thanks in part to the dynamic visual medium, which is certainly more engaging than a blog post can be.  

Now, let’s turn to the second reason for understanding why online video marketing is so effective.

2. They increase trust 

The trust a consumer places in a brand is the basis for subsequent conversion and sales. Of course, building trust should be a goal in itself, partly because the whole concept of content marketing is based on a sense of trust and the creation of lasting, valuable relationships.  

Marketing is no longer about who shouts “buy me!” the loudest, but it’s about creating a communication that goes in the opposite direction: no longer products going to consumers but consumers chasing products. And how is this possible? 

Using video, companies can provide useful and interesting information; videos are engaging, arouse more empathy, and activate emotions; more informal communication helps make the viewer feel at ease.  

3. Videos increase sales and conversions 

Videos have become a major source of revenue. Think of all the influencers and content creators who have grown up in the world of the web and who, sometimes, even accidentally, have achieved such fame with their video content that they earn money from it.  

  • Including a video on a landing page can increase the conversion rate by up to 80% (source: WordStream). 

A figure we showed earlier affirmed the high percentage of customers who purchase a product or service after watching a video. Knowing in depth about the product you are going to buy becomes an extra driver for actually purchasing it.  

This isn’t terribly surprising. After all, sight is our dominant sense and most of the information transmitted to our brain is visual. So if visuals already can greatly increase engagement, compared to a written text, imagine what dynamic videos can do!

4. Video has a good ROI 

The ROI (Return of Investment) you get from videos depends, of course, on several aspects. Don’t think that just posting a video is enough to make money. A self-respecting video must have certain characteristics:  

  • high visual quality 
  • high quality of audio 
  • understandable even without audio 
  • understandable with a specific objective 
  • high quality content 
  • targeted CTAs 

Video playback is certainly more expensive both in terms of time and money. But with the technologies we have available today, it’s not difficult to make a good video, and if the return is particularly good, it will be worth it.  

5. They encourage sharing on social  

Social media channels are a favorite when it comes to publishing video content. Consider that the evolution of various platforms has completely changed the way we communicate, transmit, and consume information.  

And the proliferation of new platforms whose only content is video, such as TikTok, only fuel this trend. The trend of sharing events, special moments, emotions. 

What does it mean to share a brand video? It means sharing the values of a certain brand and supporting them. Therefore, knowing your audience is crucial.  

Here is some data to demonstrate just how little this is overlooked:   

  • 54% of marketers–more than half–say that video is the most valuable type of content for achieving social media marketing goals
  • 93% of companies have acquired new customers through video on social media; 
  • 26% of marketers highly value the format of stories on social (source: 

Marketers’ satisfaction is, of course, a result of what consumers are looking for and want.   

  • 85% of social media users want more video from brands; 
  • People share video content twice as much as any other type of content (source: Wyzowl). 
  • 58% of viewers will watch a company’s video in full if it is shorter than 60 seconds (source: Vidyard). 

And this is the fifth reason that demonstrates how effective online video marketing is. Social media is not only for accumulating visibility, but it is definitely the first medium you think of if the goal is to expand your brand’s horizons in terms of audience and reach, as well as virality.  

6. Mobile users prefer video

As we just mentioned, the ways we consume online content have changed with the presence of smartphones, which have become a bit of an extension of ourselves and have monopolized, in no small part, our online enjoyment. Consider that:   

  • 7.26 billion people worldwide own a mobile device, 91.54% of the world’s population; 
  • 6.64 billion own a smartphone with all the features needed to browse and download apps; 
  • According to GSMA real-time data, there are 10.57 billion mobile connections, worldwide; 
  • There are 2.64 billion more mobile connections than people in the world (source: 

What can we infer from this? When you  think about mobile users, you need to recalibrate your strategy. Mobile users love to watch video content on their smartphones: while in bed, on the road, on public transportation, even when walking.  

Popular platforms such as YouTube and social media are teeming with video content, and it’s super important to be on these platforms and optimize your videos for the mobile format. Let’s also, and most importantly, remember that your videos must also be functional even without audio, as most of the time people tend to listen to them with the audio turned off.  

7. Google loves video 

Google also prefers video content. Videos allow visitors to increase the time they spend on a site. Therefore, longer exposure builds trust and signals to search engines that a certain site has quality content.  

If you have a video embedded in your website, it has a 53 times higher chance of appearing first in the SERP (source: Moovly). 

In addition, since Google owns YouTube, there has been a significant increase in the amount of videos that affect search engine rankings. In fact, the moment you type something in, videos are the first content shown.    

So, don’t forget to optimize your videos for SEO and include all the information within the video so that your potential customer can take the next step.  


These we have just given you are 7 reasons that show how effective online video marketing is.  

Each video must adapt to the browsing choices of each viewer in real time, transforming unidirectional communication into a two-way, fluid and tailored dialog.

By relying on specialized video platforms like Babelee, you can bring all these activities together at once! 

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